Fee Amounts and Spend Plans - All fees listed on this schedule are subject to the maximum amounts approved by the Board of Education that a school may charge per pupil for participation in the named activity, class, group, or team. Planned expenditures vary by program and school due to the unique needs and specific plans made at each school. Prior to registration, the fee amounts and associated spend plans for each program at each school are reviewed and approved by the principal before being published on this website.
General Fees |
School Operations (General) | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Basic Fee
Fee Spend Plan: Activity Supplies, General Instructional Supplies
$40 | |
Performance Group Fees |
Jr Youth Symphony | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
2025 Granite Junior Youth Symphony
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach/Advisor Stipends, Awards & Group Gifts, Bussing From Weekly Rehearsal To Site , Costumes & Uniforms, Custodial, Security, Stagecrew, & Supervision, Day Camp, Field Trips, Presentors/Guest Speakers, Printing, Student Food, Supplies, Technology Supplies, Transportation
$70 | |
Summer Jr Youth Symphony | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Summer 2025 Jr. Youth Symphony/Iboc
Fee Spend Plan: Advertising, Credit Card Fee, Custodial, Security, Stagecrew, & Supervision, Field Trips, Hourly Teachers, Printing, Student Food, Student Materials, Supplies, Transportation
$70 | |
Dance Company | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Evergreen Dance Company
Fee Spend Plan: Costumes & Uniforms
$150 | |
Drama Performance | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Evergreen Musical
Fee Spend Plan: Advertising, Costumes & Uniforms, Royalties, Stage Sets & Props, Student Food, Technical Services
$25 | |
Club/Other Fees |
Student Council | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Evergreen Student Government
Fee Spend Plan: Student Clothing
$200 | |
Athletic Team Fees |
Basketball - Boys | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Boys Basketball Team
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Banquets, Custodial, Security, Scorekeepers, & Supervision, Uniforms
$78 | |
Basketball - Girls | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Girls Basketball Team
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Banquets, Custodial, Security, Scorekeepers, & Supervision, Uniforms
$78 | |
Cross Country | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Cross Country Team (Coed)
Fee Spend Plan: Banquets, Uniforms
$20 | |
Soccer - Boys | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Boys Soccer Team
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Banquets, Uniforms
$49 | |
Soccer - Girls | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Girls Soccer Team
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Banquets, Uniforms
$49 | |
Track - Boys/Coed | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Track Team (Coed)
Fee Spend Plan: Banquets, Student Clothing
$25 | |
Volleyball - Boys | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Boys Volleyball Team
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Banquets, Custodial, Security, Scorekeepers, & Supervision
$60 | |
Volleyball - Girls | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Girls Volleyball Team
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Banquets, Custodial, Security, Scorekeepers, & Supervision
$60 | |
Wrestling - Boys/Coed | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Wrestling Team Coed
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Banquets, Student Clothing
$50 | |
Class Fees Per Semester Course unless otherwise noted |
Latinos in Action Class | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Latinos in Action (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Student Clothing
$30 | |
Physical Education | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Physical Education Class
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$5 | |
Science Class | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Science Class Supplies (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Printing, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
$5 | |
Visual Art | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Advanced Art Foundations (8th Grade)
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Incentives, Printing, Student Materials
$25 | |
Art Foundations 1 (7th Grade)
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Incentives, Printing, Student Materials
$15 | |
Drawing 6
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Incentives, Printing, Student Materials
$15 | |
Sculpture | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
3D Design (7th & 8th Grade)
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Incentives, Printing, Student Materials
$25 | |
Band Class | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Cadet Band (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials, Technology Supplies
$20 | |
Concert Band (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials, Technology Supplies
$20 | |
Orchestra Class | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Cadet Orchestra (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials, Technology Supplies
$20 | |
Concert Orchestra (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials, Technology Supplies
$20 | |
College & Career Awareness | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
College & Career Awareness Class (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Printing, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
$20 | |
Family&Consumer Science Class | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
FACS 6th Grade
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Printing, Student Materials
$20 | |
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Printing, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
$20 | |
Technology & Engineering Class | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$30 | |
Online Learning | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Granite Online Class
$30 |