aadahlberg on 1/26/2024 8:46:17 AM
Pleasant Green
Technology Coach
This is a website that has gone through the approval process before in 2019. It appears to be updated with ELA and Math, where before it was solely focused on math. Students go through a world with a character and answer questions and grow levels. They earn coins and what not to spend to develop their character.
This was not approved in 2019, but is still used by many teachers. It seems to be used as a reward or extension for students who finish work.
Based on the last approval process student data was/is shared.
1 - Needs Improvement
2 - Shows Promise
3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area
1 - Needs Improvement
1 - Needs Improvement
2 - Shows Promise
2 - Shows Promise
3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area
Technology Effectiveness
2 - Shows Promise
This game allows students to go on quests before answering DOK Level 1 and 2 questions. While these questions are sorted by standards and grade level, the rigor of the questions is lacking, and most are just fluency questions that do not focus on understanding for both math or ela. There are approved programs that do a much better job.
Submitted Website Review Form
ancameron on 2/2/2024 9:54:36 AM
No firewall rules needed.
Submitted Final Approval Form
dkroberts on 2/2/2024 11:44:07 AM
Notes from curriculum: This game allows students to go on quests before answering DOK Level 1 and 2 questions. While these questions are sorted by standards and grade level, the rigor of the questions is lacking, and most are just fluency questions that do not focus on understanding for both math or ela. There are approved programs that do a much better job.