bkerby on 12/3/2019 10:18:42 AM
Cyprus High School
SLOWLY lets you meet pen friends from your smartphone! Match with someone that shares your passion, write a letter and collect stamps from around the world. Speak your mind - one letter at a time!
Apple Store|Google Play
Students can practice writing in the target language and get a response from a native speaker from another country. The correspondence is slow and is meant to replicate traditional mail. This activity would aline well with Standard. I.CIA.1 I can converse with peers from the target culture and show interest in basic cultural similarities and differences.
Slowly Communications
10th Grade
12th Grade
World Language, K-12
This is an app for phones, It can be installed from the App Store or Google Play store.
There is nothing that will be installed on the computers for this app.
Vendor will not sign DPA - "Slowly is a public platform. It's your option to use it or not. We are not your vendor. We know nothing about your programme. We are not going to sign it."
Submitted Final Approval Form
dkroberts on 2/5/2020 8:13:18 AM
Vendor will not sign DPA - "Slowly is a public platform. It's your option to use it or not. We are not your vendor. We know nothing about your programme. We are not going to sign it."