Submitted Website Approval Request on 8/25/2022 10:10:50 AM
Skyline High school
Instructional specialist
IO lab web
a browser interface for the IOdivice it will collect measurements from the IO lab device and graph them. Students will then be able to analyze the graphs. Without the device, the website does not do anything. If needed I can create a video showing the website in action.
this is a browser version of a software device approved for a physics class last year. the desktop version that the teachers use for demonstration can not be used on the Chromebooks. IO lab, it is a way for students to use the device in their physics classes on their Chromebook. the IO lab device had 35 sensors to facilitate physics labs. this eliminates the need for many other expensive sensors that run all different tech interfaces here is an overview of the IO lab system as a whole but it is not of the page that we are trying to get approved. this website was created by the inventor of the device a professor. it is a way for students to not have to download software and still use the device for experiments.
there really is not one. the inventor of the device who has now sold it to another compay has created the web browser version
7th Grade
12th Grade
Science, K-12

Submitted Website Review Form

smgraves on 8/29/2022 9:47:20 AM
Uses ports 80 and 443
Filtered as Business and Technology


Submitted Educational Software Specialist Form

eharward on 9/20/2022 2:58:48 PM


3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area
2 - Shows Promise
3 - Strength Area
2 - Shows Promise
3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area


3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area


3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area
2 - Shows Promise
3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area

Technology Effectiveness

3 - Strength Area


Submitted Final Approval Form

dkroberts on 9/20/2022 3:57:03 PM