Submitted Website Approval Request

dgomez1 on 8/25/2021 10:13:07 AM
Educational Equity
Flashlight360 was designed as an assets-oriented tool for supporting educators, parents, and students in growing productive language. It provides a user-friendly, formative evidence-based system for assessing, monitoring, and teaching language.
1. Student asynchronously and independently completes the language assessment (~ 10-15 min) 2. Teacher uses our Simple Productive Language Scoring Rubric™ to score student responses and provide feedback to students (~ 5 minutes) 3. Teacher uses our Standards-Aligned Goal-Setting System™ to co-create goals for each student in speaking and writing (~ 5 minutes) 4. Teachers use the ActionABL Data™ gathered from student evidence to inform their lesson planning and instruction Pilot Plan: we will pilot this in the Granger network at this time. We will be at Granger High, Westlake Jr. and 2 other elementaries (TBD). We will be using this assessment tool with all of our designated ML students, within these sites.
The website has a demo option to choose from. This is just a pilot and the product is in its infancy so Educational Equity does not have access yet to this product until it has been approved to use.
Justin Hewett
1st Grade
12th Grade
Ivanti Workspaces

Submitted Website Review Form

dgarahana on 8/25/2021 2:11:50 PM



Submitted Educational Software Specialist Form

jbramble on 9/15/2021 10:58:34 AM


3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area
2 - Shows Promise
3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area
2 - Shows Promise
3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area


3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area
2 - Shows Promise
3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area


3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area
3 - Strength Area

Technology Effectiveness

3 - Strength Area
I had their team give me a quick demo of the product and I was impressed with the elements that are included (goal setting and specific areas in the domains that are assessed on WIDA ACCESS). I think it shows good promise as a tool to get formative assessment on our ELs.


Submitted Student Data Agreement on 9/15/2021 4:34:53 PM

Application Technology Meta Data

IP Addresses of Users, Use of cookies, etc.

Application Use Statistics






Language information (native, or primary language spoken by student)|Other demographic information-Please specify
Primary language, language level


Student school enrollment|Student grade level

Parent/Guardian Contact Information

Parent/Guardian ID

Parent/Guardian Name


Teacher names

Special Indicator

English language learner information

Student Contact Information


Student Identifiers

Local (School district) ID number|State ID number|Provider/App assigned student ID number|Student app username|Student app passwords

Student Name

Student In App Performance

Program/ application performance (typing program-student types 60 wpm, reading program-student reads below grade level)

Student Program Membership

Student Survey Responses

Student Work

Student generated content; writing, pictures, etc.|Other student work data-Please specify
Student oral recordings, teacher written or audio recorded feedback to student, speaking and writing goals for student to work on progress made by student on assigned speaking and writing goals






DPA Executed 9/15/2021 - IP Addresses of users, use of cookies etc, (Other: primary language, language level), Language information, Student school enrollment, Student grade level, Teacher names, English language learner information, Student Email, Local school district ID, State ID number, Vendor/App assigned student ID number, Student app user name, Student app password, Student first and/or last name, Program/application performance, Student generated content (Other: student oral recordings, teacher written or audio recorded feedback to student, speaking and writing goals for student to work on, progress made by student on assigned speaking and writing goals).

Submitted Final Approval Form

dkroberts on 9/15/2021 6:01:56 PM