tcooper on 3/12/2021 10:32:45 AM
Crestview Elementary
Mountain Math/Language
The online program is a core standards based daily review. It is concept driven language and math reviews that can be modified by the techer to include extensions, review or specific concepts. Teachers are able to display or print spiral review materials for student use to enhance and supplement curriculum in math and language.
Each day students will have 15-20 different review questions for each subject to ensure retention, repetition, and spiraling.
5th Grade
Curriculum / Classroom Educational Technology
1 - Needs Improvement
1 - Needs Improvement
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Technology Effectiveness
1 - Needs Improvement
Reviews skills related to reading in isolation. The teachers would need to direct the review and the students fill out a worksheet with their response.
This product does not align with the rigor of the Utah State Core nor with best practice in literacy. The current reading basal includes similar items for review and that is aligned to the scope and sequence.
Submitted Final Approval Form
dkroberts on 4/5/2021 4:32:10 PM
Reviews skills related to reading in isolation. The teachers would need to direct the review and the students fill out a worksheet with their response. This product does not align with the rigor of the Utah State Core nor with best practice in literacy. The current reading basal includes similar items for review and that is aligned to the scope and sequence.