on 8/31/2020 10:52:49 AM
Valley Crest Elementary
Teachers upload their own content or create something new–with drawings, text, images, audio, links, and videos to provide instruction or create assessments. Students Work on Their Devices. Students input drawings, text, images, and audio or answer fill-the-blank or multiple choice in response to teacher-created material.
Teachers provide individualized, real-time feedback and grading with an array of tools–directly on the canvas, in the help center or with pointed stickers. Students can even ask their peers for help anonymously.Teachers can see who needs help and how students are progressing through the assignment.
see website description. I have been using it for kindergarten formative assessment for distance learning.
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IT Support
12th Grade
1 - Needs Improvement
While this program allows for some great ability for teachers to provide feedback to students in a distance format and a variety of ways for students to be assessed, there are concerns regarding the collection of PII. It also relies on teachers uploading materials and therefore there are potential copyright issues.
Submitted Final Approval Form
dkroberts on 9/11/2020 8:31:26 AM
While this program allows for some great ability for teachers to provide feedback to students in a distance format and a variety of ways for students to be assessed, there are concerns regarding the collection of PII. It also relies on teachers uploading materials and therefore there are potential copyright issues.