sseely on 5/30/2019 7:30:49 AM
Granite Peaks Campuses: Humanitarian Center, Hunter High, Granger High, Connection High
Cathleen Carter, Coordinator, Granite Peaks
Stand Out Basic: Classroom Presentation Tool USB Stand Out 1: Classroom Presentation Tool USB Stand Out 2: Classroom Presentation Tool USB Stand Out 3: Classroom Presentation Tool USB Stand Out 4: Classroom Presentation Tool USB Stand Out: 5: Classroom Presentation Tool USB
This program has a digital copy of the materials that we use for our Adult ELA courses. This contains listening activities and videos for the students to listen to as they learn to speak and read in English. This will enable the teachers to utilize their SMARTboards and have opportunities for students to use the materials interactively.
USB drives (have been given to Jason Winn)
This program has a digital copy of the materials that we use for our Adult ELA courses. This contains copies of listening activities and videos for the students to listen to as they learn to speak and read in English. This will enable the teachers to utilize their SMARTboards and have opportunities for students to use the materials interactively.
The USB drives do not have a login/access key. They are meant to be used/utilized by all teachers using the curriculum.
Jonathan Boggs;
(559) 999-6641,
6th Grade
12th Grade
This curriculum aligns with the Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS) and the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education (CCRS).
Ivanti Workspaces|WebNetwork
I was able to install the program off of each USB drive. Once installed to the computer, we can zip up the files and deploy them to the computer in any folder we need to.
I unzip the files to C:\Program Files (x86)\National Geograpic Learning.
I also created icons and zipped them up. The package will deploy icons to the startmenu and the desktop for all users.