vbeacham on 6/5/2020 7:33:59 AM
CTE District
Vicky Beacham, CTE Coordinator
A training website for various technology certifications. I am requesting Office Pro that has the LabSim for student use.
Has the software for Office Pro for 2019 office. Site to be used by teachers for Business Office Specialist class.
This site was found because students can work on the class with chrome books for distance learning. Not sure what will happen in the fall, trying to prepare.
Other TestOut programs being used by GTI
Jared Skelton jskelton@testout.com or 385.233.5329 can give you a log in, I can't. The only way for me to do that is to provide my username and password. Sorry about that.
no one specific, located in Utah
800.877.4889 x405 or option 2
9th Grade
12th Grade
GSD Portal|Ivanti Workspaces