Fee Amounts and Spend Plans - All fees listed on this schedule are subject to the maximum amounts approved by the Board of Education that a school may charge per pupil for participation in the named activity, class, group, or team. Planned expenditures vary by program and school due to the unique needs and specific plans made at each school. Prior to registration, the fee amounts and associated spend plans for each program at each school are reviewed and approved by the principal before being published on this website.
General Fees |
Studentbody | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
High School Basic Registration
Fee Spend Plan: Activity Supplies, Assemblies, Custodial, Security & Supervision At Events, Field Trips, General Instructional Supplies, Graduation, Instructional Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Student Food, Student Incentives, Teacher Workroom Supplies
$65 | |
School Dances | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
School Dances
Fee Spend Plan: Activity Supplies, Custodial, Security & Supervision At Events, Student Food, Venue
$10 | |
School Stomps
Fee Spend Plan: Activity Supplies, Custodial, Security & Supervision At Events, Student Food
$5 | |
Performance Group Fees |
Jr Youth Symphony | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
2025 Granite Junior Youth Symphony
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach/Advisor Stipends, Awards & Group Gifts, Bussing From Weekly Rehearsal To Site , Costumes & Uniforms, Custodial, Security, Stagecrew, & Supervision, Day Camp, Field Trips, Presentors/Guest Speakers, Printing, Student Food, Supplies, Technology Supplies, Transportation
$70 | |
Sr Youth Symphony | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
2025 Senior Youth Symphony
Fee Spend Plan: Advertising, Assistant Coach/Advisor Stipends, Awards & Group Gifts, Bussing From Weekly Rehearsal To Site , Costumes & Uniforms, Custodial, Security, Stagecrew, & Supervision, Day Camp, Field Trips, Presentors/Guest Speakers, Printing, Student Food, Technology Supplies, Transportation
$85 | |
Summer Jr Youth Symphony | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Summer 2025 Jr. Youth Symphony/Iboc
Fee Spend Plan: Advertising, Credit Card Fee, Custodial, Security, Stagecrew, & Supervision, Field Trips, Hourly Teachers, Printing, Student Food, Student Materials, Supplies, Transportation
$70 | |
Summer Sr Youth Symphony | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Summer Granite Senior Youth Symphony
Fee Spend Plan: Costumes & Uniforms, Credit Card Fee, Field Trips, Hourly Teachers, Printing, Student Food, Student Materials, Supplies, Transportation
$85 | |
Dance Company | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Dance Company
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach/Advisor Stipends, Awards & Group Gifts, Banquets, Competitions, Cords & Medallions, Costumes & Uniforms, Custodial, Security, Stagecrew, & Supervision, Membership Fees, Presentors/Guest Speakers, Printing, Student Food, Technical Services, Technology Supplies, Transportation
$355 | $4,494 |
Dance Company (Admissions to Off-Campus Events)
Fee Spend Plan: Granite Summer Dance Camp
$50 | |
Dance Company (Overnight Travel 1 Shakespeare Festival)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
$314 | |
Dance Company (Overnight Travel 2 Spring Tour - Jackson Hole, WY)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
$439 | |
Dance Ensemble
Fee Spend Plan: Awards & Group Gifts, Competitions, Costumes & Uniforms, Custodial, Security, Stagecrew, & Supervision, Membership Fees, Presentors/Guest Speakers, Student Food, Student Materials, Transportation
$34 | $1,001 |
Drama Performance | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Theatre Performance Season
Fee Spend Plan: Advertising, Assistant Coach/Advisor Stipends, Awards & Group Gifts, Costumes & Uniforms, Custodial, Security, Stagecrew, & Supervision, Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Printing, Royalties, Stage Sets & Props, Student Food, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
$50 | |
Vocal Music Perform Group | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Bel Canto (Mixed Chorus)
Fee Spend Plan: Costumes & Uniforms, Custodial, Security, Stagecrew, & Supervision, Membership Fees, Student Food, Student Materials
$25 | |
Bel Canto (Mixed Chorus) (Admissions to Off-Campus Events)
Fee Spend Plan: Honor Choir-voluntary
$60 | |
Concert Choir
Fee Spend Plan: Advertising, Banquets, Costumes & Uniforms, Custodial, Security, Stagecrew, & Supervision, Membership Fees, Student Food, Student Materials
$42 | |
Concert Choir (Admissions to Off-Campus Events)
Fee Spend Plan: Honor Choir-voluntary
$60 | |
Concert Choir (Dresses)
Fee Spend Plan: Dresses
$94 | |
Concert Choir (Tuxedos)
Fee Spend Plan: ties
$7 | |
Fee Spend Plan: Banquets, Costumes & Uniforms, Student Materials
$82 | |
Graces (Admissions to Off-Campus Events)
Fee Spend Plan: Honor Choir
$60 | |
Graces (Dresses)
Fee Spend Plan: Performance Dresses for Sophomores
$94 | |
Fee Spend Plan: Banquets, Costumes & Uniforms, Student Materials
$86 | |
Madrigals (Admissions to Off-Campus Events)
Fee Spend Plan: All State Choir
$60 | |
Soprano/Alto Beginning
Fee Spend Plan: Banquets, Costumes & Uniforms, Custodial, Security, Stagecrew, & Supervision, Student Materials
$20 | |
Tenor/Bass Choir
Fee Spend Plan: Banquets, Costumes & Uniforms, Student Materials
$55 | |
Tenor/Bass Choir (Admissions to Off-Campus Events)
Fee Spend Plan: Honor Choir-voluntary
$60 | |
Music Tour | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Music Department Tour (Overnight Travel 1 Music Tour)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
$1,305 | |
Drill Team | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Drill Team
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach/Advisor Stipends, Awards & Group Gifts, Banquets, Competitions, Costumes & Uniforms, Day Camp, Membership Fees, Technical Services, Transportation
$1,389 | |
Drill Team (Overnight Travel 1 Drill Disney)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
$1,323 | |
Club/Other Fees |
Student Government | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Senate (Student Government) (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Clothing
$42 | |
Class Officers | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Class officers (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Clothing, Student Materials
$175 | $896 |
Student Body Officers | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
SBOs (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: End Of Year Banquet, Memberships, Student Clothing, Student Food, Student Materials, Summer Training
$175 | $992 |
JROTC/JLTC | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Taylorsville High School JROTC (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Competitions, Field Trips, Hosted Events, Incentives, Printing, Student Food, Student Materials
$43 | |
Taylorsville High School JROTC (Full-Year) (Overnight Travel 1 Staff Ride)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
$60 | $2,400 |
People of the Pacific Co-Curricular | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
POP - People of the Pacific
Fee Spend Plan: Student Clothing, Student Materials
$35 | |
Curricular Clubs - Societies | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Key Club
Fee Spend Plan: Memberships
$20 | |
Key Club (Club State / National Membership)
Fee Spend Plan: National, District, Taylorsville Key Club Fee
$20 | |
Key Club (Non-Overnight Travel 2 )
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
National Honor Society
Fee Spend Plan: Memberships
$25 | |
Yearbook | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Yearbook (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: School Yearbook
$55 | |
Debate Team | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Speech and Debate
Fee Spend Plan: Club Materials, Competitions, Field Trips, Hosted Events, Incentives, Memberships, Technology Supplies
$208 | |
Speech and Debate (Club State / National Membership)
Fee Spend Plan: Lifetime NSDA Student Membership
$20 | |
Visual Art Club | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Artistic Creators Club
Fee Spend Plan: Club T-Shirt, Student Materials
$25 | |
Drama Club | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Drama Club/International Thespian Society
Fee Spend Plan: Club Materials, Memberships, Student Clothing, Student Food, Website License
$25 | |
Drama Club/International Thespian Society (Admissions to Off-Campus Events)
Fee Spend Plan: Pioneer Theatre Company - Transportation, Pioneer Theatre Company - Individual Tickets
$35 | |
Drama Club/International Thespian Society (Club State / National Membership)
Fee Spend Plan: ITS Student Membership
$35 | |
Drama Club/International Thespian Society (High School Group/Club Officers (Non-Student Govt))
Fee Spend Plan: Officer Cardigan/Sweaters (9@$240.00 & 3@$48.00)
$295 | |
Drama Club/International Thespian Society (Non-Overnight Travel 2 Theatre Awards Banquet)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
$15 | |
Drama Club/International Thespian Society (Overnight Travel 1 Shakespeare Festival)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
$415 | |
Drama Club/International Thespian Society (Overnight Travel 3 Utah Theatre Association Conference)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
$408 | |
Business & Marketing Club | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
DECA (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Memberships, Other- Fund Raising Supplies, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
$50 | |
DECA (Full-Year) (Club State / National Membership)
Fee Spend Plan: Fall Leadership, State Leadership/Competition
$31 | |
DECA (Full-Year) (Overnight Travel 1 DECA Nationals)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
$800 | |
FBLA (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Fundraising Supplies, Incentives, Memberships, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
$50 | |
FBLA (Full-Year) (Club State / National Membership)
Fee Spend Plan: Fall Leadership, State Leadership
$31 | |
Family&Consumer Science Club | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Fee Spend Plan: Memberships
$25 | |
Non-Curricular Club Funds | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
American West Club (Full-Year) (Overnight Travel 1 )
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
$533 | $5,000 |
Lacrosse Club
Fee Spend Plan: Club Materials
$25 | $300 |
Athletic Team Fees |
Basketball - Boys | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Basketball - Boys
Fee Spend Plan: Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Coach Gear & Clothing, Local Tournaments & Competitions, Medical & Emt Services, Membership Fees, Officials, Student Clothing, Student Food, Supplies, Technical Services, Transportation, Uniforms
$599 | $6,838 |
Basketball - Girls | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Basketball - Girls
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Medical & Emt Services, Membership Fees, Officials, Student Clothing, Student Food, Supplies, Technical Services, Transportation
$300 | $10,670 |
Cheer | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Day Camp, Local Tournaments & Competitions, Medical & Emt Services, Membership Fees, Student Clothing, Supplies, Technical Services, Transportation, Tumbling Clinics, Uniforms
$1,700 | |
Cheer (Overnight Travel 1 Cheer Nationals)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
$1,300 | $4,800 |
Cross Country | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Cross Country
Fee Spend Plan: Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Local Tournaments & Competitions, Student Clothing, Student Food, Transportation
$75 | |
Cross Country (Overnight Travel 1 NXR)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals
$301 | |
Football | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Coach Gear & Clothing, Day Camp, Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Medical & Emt Services, Membership Fees, Officials, Student Clothing, Technical Services, Transportation
$889 | |
Golf - Boys | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Golf - Boys
Fee Spend Plan: Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Local Tournaments & Competitions, Membership Fees, Student Clothing, Student Food, Supplies, Transportation, Uniforms
$500 | |
Golf - Girls | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Girls Golf
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Coach Gear & Clothing, Local Tournaments & Competitions, Practice Round Green Fees/Range Balls, Transportation, Uniforms
$200 | |
Soccer - Boys | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Soccer - Boys
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Coach Training, Medical & Emt Services, Membership Fees, Officials, Student Clothing, Supplies, Technical Services, Transportation, Uniforms
$300 | $13,446 |
Soccer - Girls | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Soccer - Girls
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Coach Training, Medical & Emt Services, Membership Fees, Officials, Student Clothing, Supplies, Technical Services, Transportation, Uniforms
$300 | $9,880 |
Softball | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Custodial, Security, Scorekeepers, & Supervision, Grounds Maintenance, Medical & Emt Services, Membership Fees, Officials, Student Clothing, Student Food, Supplies, Technical Services, Transportation, Uniforms
$800 | $2,376 |
Softball (Overnight Travel 1 St. George Tournament)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
$393 | |
Swimming | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Swim Team
Fee Spend Plan: Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Coach Gear & Clothing, Local Tournaments & Competitions, Officials, Student Clothing, Transportation, Uniforms
$300 | |
Tennis - Boys | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
2024-2025 Boys Tennis Team
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Coach Gear & Clothing, Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Medical & Emt Services, Membership Fees, Student Clothing, Student Food, Supplies, Transportation, Uniforms
$156 | $3,000 |
Tennis - Girls | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
2024-2025 Girls Tennis Team
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Coach Gear & Clothing, Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Medical & Emt Services, Membership Fees, Student Clothing, Student Food, Supplies, Transportation, Uniforms
$103 | $3,000 |
Track - Boys/Coed | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Track and Field
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Banquets, Coach Gear & Clothing, Custodial, Security, Scorekeepers, & Supervision, Day Camp, Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Local Tournaments & Competitions, Medical & Emt Services, Membership Fees, Officials, Student Clothing, Student Food, Supplies, Technical Services, Transportation, Uniforms
$75 | |
Track and Field (Overnight Travel 1 Snow Canyon Invitational)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals
$300 | |
Volleyball - Boys | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Volleyball Boys
Fee Spend Plan: Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Coach Gear & Clothing, Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Local Tournaments & Competitions, Medical & Emt Services, Membership Fees, Officials, Student Clothing, Student Food, Supplies, Technical Services, Transportation, Uniforms
$249 | $6,300 |
Volleyball - Girls | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Volleyball Girls Team
Fee Spend Plan: Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Coach Gear & Clothing, Coach Training, Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Local Tournaments & Competitions, Medical & Emt Services, Membership Fees, Officials, Student Clothing, Student Food, Supplies, Technical Services, Transportation, Uniforms
$275 | $3,808 |
Wrestling - Boys/Coed | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Wresting - Boys
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Coach Gear & Clothing, Coach Training, Local Tournaments & Competitions, Medical & Emt Services, Membership Fees, Officials, Student Clothing, Technical Services, Transportation, Uniforms
$319 | $9,180 |
Wrestling - Girls | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Wrestling - Girls
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Coach Gear & Clothing, Local Tournaments & Competitions, Medical & Emt Services, Membership Fees, Officials, Student Clothing, Supplies, Technical Services, Transportation, Uniforms, Weight Calibration
$319 | |
Class Fees Per Semester Course unless otherwise noted |
Test Prep Class | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
ACT Test Prep Class
Fee Spend Plan: Act Prep Materials
$30 | |
AVID | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
AVID (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Club Materials, Hosted Events, Incentives, Mailers To Students, Student Clothing, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
$22 | |
AVID (Full-Year) (Admissions to Off-Campus Events)
Fee Spend Plan: Lagoon day for 11th and 12th grade
$25 | |
Latinos in Action Class | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Latinos in Action (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Hosted Events, Incentives, Student Clothing
$10 | |
Latinos in Action (Full-Year) (High School Group/Club Officers (Non-Student Govt))
Fee Spend Plan: Hoddies
$300 | |
English Class | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
AP Language and Composition (Full-Year) (Concurrent Enrollment, AP, or IB Course Textbook)
Fee Spend Plan: AMSCO AP Language and Composition Textbook
$25 | |
Physical Education | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
F4L, F4LS, Aerobics, Swim, PE 9, Aqua Aerobics, All I.L.A.s
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements
$15 | |
Lifetime Activities/Sports Advanced
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$15 | |
Lifetime Activity/Racket Sports
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$15 | |
Lifetime Activity/Volleyball
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$15 | |
Weight Training/Conditioning
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Instructional Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Technology Supplies
$15 | |
Earth Science Class | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$15 | |
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Field Trips, Student Materials
$15 | |
Physics Class | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Physics (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Printing, Student Materials
$15 | |
Social Studies Class | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
AP European history (Full-Year) (Concurrent Enrollment, AP, or IB Course Textbook)
Fee Spend Plan: AMSCO Consumable textbook
$30 | |
AP Human Geography (Full-Year) (Concurrent Enrollment, AP, or IB Course Textbook)
Fee Spend Plan: AMSCO AP Human Geography Test Prep Book
$25 | |
AP Psychology (Full-Year) (Concurrent Enrollment, AP, or IB Course Textbook)
Fee Spend Plan: AMSCO Review Book
$25 | |
AP US History (Full-Year) (Concurrent Enrollment, AP, or IB Course Textbook)
Fee Spend Plan: AMSCO Consumable textbook
$25 | |
AP World History (Full-Year) (Concurrent Enrollment, AP, or IB Course Textbook)
$30 | |
World Languages Class | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
AP French (Full-Year) (Concurrent Enrollment, AP, or IB Course Textbook)
Fee Spend Plan: AP French Workbook
$25 | |
Fine Arts | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
AP Art History (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Field Trips, Incentives, Printing
$30 | |
AP Art History (Full-Year) (Concurrent Enrollment, AP, or IB Course Textbook)
Fee Spend Plan: AP Art History Workbook
$63 | |
Visual Art | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Advanced Painting (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$50 | |
AP 2D (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$50 | |
Beginning Drawing
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$25 | |
Beginning Drawing
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Student Materials
$25 | |
Beginning Painting
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$40 | |
CE 1020 Basic Drawing
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$20 | |
Commercial Art
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Student Materials
$45 | |
Drawing (Advanced,3-4,5-6) (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$45 | |
Intermediate Drawing
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$45 | |
Intermediate Painting
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$50 | |
Craft | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$50 | |
Photography/Film | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Fee Spend Plan: Instructional Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Presentors & Guest Speakers, Printing, Student Materials
$40 | |
Video Production
Fee Spend Plan: Instructional Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Presentors & Guest Speakers, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
$40 | |
Sculpture | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Advanced Ceramics (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$50 | |
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$45 | |
Sculpture (Beginning)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$40 | |
Sculpture (Intermediate)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$40 | |
Dance Class | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Dance Classes
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Field Trips, Incentives, Instructional Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Memberships, Presentors & Guest Speakers, Technology Supplies
$15 | |
Drama Class | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Drama Class (Theatre I and II)
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Printing, Student Materials
$10 | |
Drama Class (Theatre III and IV) (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Printing, Student Materials
$30 | |
Career & Technical Ed | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Clothing Construction & Textiles 1
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Instructional Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Printing, Student Materials
$30 | |
Clothing Construction & Textiles 2
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Student Materials
$15 | |
Family&Consumer Science Class | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Clothing Construction & Textiles 3
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Student Materials
$15 | |
Early Childhood Education 1,2,3
Fee Spend Plan: Field Trips, Incentives, Student Materials
$5 | |
Fashion Design Studio
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
$10 | |
Individual & Family Relationships
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Student Materials
$9 | |
Intro to Behavior Health
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Student Materials
$9 | |
Preschool (4 days a week) (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Field Trips, Incentives, Preschool Teacher (Annie Penrose), Student Materials, Technology Supplies
$1,520 | |
Sports & Outdoor Design 1
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Printing, Student Materials
$30 | |
Sports & Outdoor Design 2
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Student Materials
$15 | |
Child Development | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Child Development
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
$5 | |
Foods | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Culinary Arts 2 (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Field Trips, Student Materials
$75 | |
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$30 | |
Food & Nutrition
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
$25 | |
Interior Design | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Interior Design 1
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$15 | |
Interior Design 2
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$15 | |
Interior Design 3
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$15 | |
Health Science Class | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Health Science (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
$40 | |
Automotive | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Automotive (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Field Trips, Incentives, Printing, Student Materials
$40 | |
Welding | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Fee Spend Plan: Instructional Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Student Materials
$40 | |
Woodworking | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Instructional Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Student Materials
$40 | |
Driver Education | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Driver Education
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Hourly Teacher Salaries, Instructional Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Printing, Risk Insurance Premiums, Technology Supplies
$185 | |
Class/Club Fees |
Credit Recovery | Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) | Fundraising (Group Goal)* |
Credit Recovery Class
Fee Spend Plan: Technology Supplies
$20 | |
Credit Recovery/Citizenship Makeup Class
Fee Spend Plan: Technology Supplies
$40 |