Fee Amounts and Spend Plans - All fees listed on this schedule are subject to the maximum amounts approved by the Board of Education that a school may charge per pupil for participation in the named activity, class, group, or team. Planned expenditures vary by program and school due to the unique needs and specific plans made at each school. Prior to registration, the fee amounts and associated spend plans for each program at each school are reviewed and approved by the principal before being published on this website.

Skyline Senior High School Fee Schedule 2024-25

*If a fee line item on the schedule below contains an amount in the ‘Group Goal’ column, this means that your student will be asked to participate in group fundraising to help raise this combined total for the group/team/program. The amount is not required to be paid by the student or their family, but rather represents a time commitment from your student to help reach the group goal. If the group raises significantly more or less than the amount shown, corresponding adjustments to the out-of-pocket fee may be required.

General Fees

Studentbody Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Basic School Fee
Fee Spend Plan: Accreditation, Activity Supplies, Assemblies, Credit Recovery, Custodial, Security & Supervision At Events, Field Trips, General Instructional Supplies, Graduation, Ib Program, Peer Leadership, Software, Sped, Sports Programs, Student Food, Student Incentives, Teacher Workroom Supplies
School Dances Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Fresh Soph Dance
Fee Spend Plan: Activity Supplies, Student Food
School Dances 2024-25
Fee Spend Plan: Activity Supplies, Assemblies, Custodial, Security & Supervision At Events, Dj And Rentals For All Dances, General Instructional Supplies, Student Food
Grade 12 Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Commencement Fee
Fee Spend Plan: Activity Supplies, Custodial, Security & Supervision At Events

Performance Group Fees

Jr Youth Symphony Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
2025 Granite Junior Youth Symphony
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach/Advisor Stipends, Awards & Group Gifts, Bussing From Weekly Rehearsal To Site , Costumes & Uniforms, Custodial, Security, Stagecrew, & Supervision, Day Camp, Field Trips, Presentors/Guest Speakers, Printing, Student Food, Supplies, Technology Supplies, Transportation
Sr Youth Symphony Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
2025 Senior Youth Symphony
Fee Spend Plan: Advertising, Assistant Coach/Advisor Stipends, Awards & Group Gifts, Bussing From Weekly Rehearsal To Site , Costumes & Uniforms, Custodial, Security, Stagecrew, & Supervision, Day Camp, Field Trips, Presentors/Guest Speakers, Printing, Student Food, Technology Supplies, Transportation
Dance Company Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Dance Company/Dance Ensemble
Fee Spend Plan: Awards & Group Gifts, Competitions, Costumes & Uniforms, Field Trips, Membership Fees, Printing, Supplies, Technical Services
$405 $2,623
Dance Company/Dance Ensemble (Overnight Travel 1 Utah Shakespeare Festival)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
$350 $4,176
Social Dance Team Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Advanced and Intermediate Ballroom Team
Fee Spend Plan: Awards & Group Gifts, Costumes & Uniforms, Printing, Supplies, Technical Services
Drama Performance Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Fall Musical
Fee Spend Plan: Awards & Group Gifts, Costumes & Uniforms, Custodial, Security, Stagecrew, & Supervision, Printing, Royalties, Stage Sets & Props, Student Materials, Technical Services, Technology Supplies
Winter Play
Fee Spend Plan: Costumes & Uniforms, Custodial, Security, Stagecrew, & Supervision, Printing, Royalties, Stage Sets & Props, Student Materials, Technical Services, Technology Supplies
Band Perform Group Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble
Fee Spend Plan: Awards & Group Gifts, Competitions, Costumes & Uniforms, Presentors/Guest Speakers, Printing, Student Food, Technical Services, Technology Supplies, Transportation
Orchestra Perform Group Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Philharmonic Orchestra (String Orchestra), Concert Orchestra
Fee Spend Plan: Advertising, Awards & Group Gifts, Costumes & Uniforms, Printing, Student Food, Supplies, Technology Supplies, Transportation
Vocal Music Perform Group Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Skyline Choir Performing Choirs
Fee Spend Plan: Awards & Group Gifts, Banquets, Coach/Advisor Training, Competitions, Custodial, Security, Stagecrew, & Supervision, Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Membership Fees, Presentors/Guest Speakers, Printing, Stage Sets & Props, Student Food, Student Materials, Supplies, Technical Services, Technology Supplies, Transportation
$21 $24,320
Skyline Choir Performing Choirs (Dresses)
Fee Spend Plan: Performance Attire
Skyline Choir Performing Choirs (High School Club Officers)
Fee Spend Plan: hoodies
Skyline Choir Performing Choirs (Tuxedos)
Fee Spend Plan: Performance Attire

Club/Other Fees

Student Government Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Skyline Student Government (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Hosted Events, Sbo Senior Blankets With Embroidery, Student Food, Student Materials
Skyline Student Government (Full-Year) (Overnight Travel 1 Trailblazer Leadership Conference)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation
Peer Leadership Team Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
RISE Ambassadors (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Clothing
RISE Conference
Fee Spend Plan: Field Trips
Curricular Clubs - Societies Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
National Honor Society (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Club Materials, Memberships
Debate Team Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Skyline Speech & Debate (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Club Materials, Competitions, Debate Banquet Space , Field Trips, Memberships, Presentors & Guest Speakers, Student Food, Student Materials
Mathematics Club Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Math Team
Fee Spend Plan: Competitions
Drama Club Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Skyline Drama Club
Fee Spend Plan: Club Materials, Competitions, Field Trips, Hosted Events, Improv Props, Materials, Memberships, Presentors & Guest Speakers, Printing, Student Clothing, Student Food, Technology Supplies
Skyline Drama Club (Admissions to Off-Campus Events)
Fee Spend Plan: PTC Field Trips Tickets, Transportation, Tax
Skyline Drama Club (Overnight Travel 1 Red Rocks Improv Festival)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
Stage Crew Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Stage Crew
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
Music Club Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Skyline Utah Symphony Club
Fee Spend Plan: Memberships
Career & Technical Ed Club Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Fee Spend Plan: Competitions, Incentives, Memberships, Printing, Student Materials
Business & Marketing Club Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Fee Spend Plan: Field Trips, Memberships, Student Food
DECA REVISED (Non-Overnight Travel 1 Non-Overnight Weber)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
DECA REVISED (Non-Overnight Travel 2 Non-Overnight Fall Leadership)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
DECA REVISED (Non-Overnight Travel 3 Non-Overnight Region)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
DECA REVISED (Non-Overnight Travel 4 Non-Overnight State)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
DECA REVISED (Overnight Travel 5 Overnight ICDC)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
Skyline FBLA (Full-Year) (Admissions to Off-Campus Events)
Fee Spend Plan: State Prep Competition
Skyline FBLA (Full-Year) (Club State / National Membership)
Fee Spend Plan: National Membership Fee, State membership Fee, Food/Treats
Skyline FBLA (Full-Year) (Non-Overnight Travel 2 FBLA Region Competition)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
Skyline FBLA (Full-Year) (Overnight Travel 1 FBLA National Trip)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
$1,700 $22,500
Skyline FBLA (Full-Year) (Overnight Travel 3 Fall Leadership Conference)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
Health Science Club Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Skyline HOSA
Fee Spend Plan: Competitions, Incentives
Skyline HOSA (Admissions to Off-Campus Events)
Fee Spend Plan: State Conference
Skyline HOSA (Club State / National Membership)
Fee Spend Plan: State and National Fees
Skyline HOSA (Overnight Travel 1 HOSA ILC)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
Non-Curricular Club Funds Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Project Blush
Fee Spend Plan: Memberships

Athletic Team Fees

Athletic Administration Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Gate Admissions Football/Basketball
Fee Spend Plan: $1 Gofan Fee, 5% Gofan Fees, Coach Training, Custodial, Security, Scorekeepers, & Supervision, Medical & Emt Services, Membership Fees, Officials, Supplies
Extracurricular Camps Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
2024 Skyline Eagles Football Conditioning Week 1-2
Fee Spend Plan: (20%) To Program, Assistant Coach Stipends, Success Fund Fee (5%)
Girls Basketball Summer Camp
Fee Spend Plan: 100% Back To Team Account, Membership Fees, Student Clothing
Baseball Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Baseball Summer Camp 2024- 25
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Day Camp
Spring Baseball 2025
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Coach Gear & Clothing, Grounds Maintenance, Membership Fees, Officials, Student Clothing, Student Food, Supplies, Technical Services, Transportation, Uniforms
Basketball - Boys Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Boys Basketball Tahoe Trip (Overnight Travel 1 Lake Tahoe)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
$767 $1,494
Season Family Passes 2024-25
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Supplies
Season Individual Passes Basketball 2025
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Supplies
Basketball - Girls Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Girls Basketball
Fee Spend Plan: Awards & Team Gifts, Coach Gear & Clothing, Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Local Tournaments & Competitions, Medical & Emt Services, Membership Fees, Officials, Student Clothing, Supplies, Technical Services, Transportation, Uniforms
Cheer Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Skyline cheer
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Awards & Team Gifts, Coach Training, Day Camp, Local Tournaments & Competitions, Membership Fees, Student Clothing, Supplies, Transportation, Uniforms
Skyline cheer (Overnight Travel 1 )
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
$912 $21,138
Cross Country Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
2025 Cross Country
Fee Spend Plan: Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Coach Gear & Clothing, Local Tournaments & Competitions, Student Clothing, Transportation, Uniforms
2025 Cross Country (Overnight Travel 1 Boise Idaho)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
$200 $2,440
Football Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Skyline Football
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Awards & Team Gifts, Coach Gear & Clothing, Coach Training, Day Camp, Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Local Tournaments & Competitions, Officials, Student Clothing, Trainer, Transportation, Uniforms
Golf - Boys Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Skyline Boys Golf Team 24-25
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Awards & Team Gifts, Green Fees And Range Balls, Membership Fees, Student Food, Uniforms
Lacrosse - Boys Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Skyline Lacrosse 25
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Banquets, Coach Gear & Clothing, Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Medical & Emt Services, Officials, Student Clothing, Supplies, Transportation, Uniforms
$656 $5,980
Soccer - Girls Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
2025 Girls Soccer Team
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Coach Gear & Clothing, Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Medical & Emt Services, Membership Fees, Officials, Student Clothing, Supplies, Transportation, Uniforms
Swimming Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
2025 Boys and Girls Swimming
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Coach Gear & Clothing, Local Tournaments & Competitions, Membership Fees, Officials, Transportation, Uniforms
Tennis - Girls Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Girls Tennis 2025
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Coach Gear & Clothing, Membership Fees, Student Clothing, Student Food, Supplies, Transportation, Uniforms
Girls Tennis 2025 (Overnight Travel 1 Ashton Invitational)
Fee Spend Plan: Trip Lodging, Trip Transportation, Trip Meals, Trip Admissions/Registration Fees
Track - Boys/Coed Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Skyline Track and Field
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Coach Gear & Clothing, Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Local Tournaments & Competitions, Membership Fees, Student Clothing, Student Food, Supplies, Transportation
Volleyball - Girls Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Girls Volleyball
Fee Spend Plan: Assistant Coach Stipends, Awards & Team Gifts, Banquets, Coach Gear & Clothing, Coach Training, Local Tournaments & Competitions, Membership Fees, Officials, Student Clothing, Supplies, Transportation, Uniforms

Class Fees Per Semester Course unless otherwise noted

International Bacclaureate Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
AP/IB Chemistry (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials, Technology Supplies
IB Class Fees (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Printing, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
IB Club
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Student Food, Teacher Stipends, Teacher Training
Physical Education Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
Physical Education
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Student Materials
Stage Combat
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements
Science Class Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Biology (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Instructional Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
Physics Classes (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Field Trips, Incentives, Student Materials
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
Biology Class Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
AP Biology (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
AP Biology Textbook (Full-Year) (Concurrent Enrollment, AP, or IB Course Textbook)
Fee Spend Plan: AP Biology Textbook rental
Chemistry Class Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Core/Honors Chemistry (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Instructional Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Student Materials
Social Studies Class Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
AP Human Geography (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
Fine Arts Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
AP 3D (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements
Visual Art Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Fee Spend Plan: Printing, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
Fine Arts - AP 2D Art (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
Painting Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Fine Arts - Painting
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
Photography/Film Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Film Class
Fee Spend Plan: Field Trips, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
Drama Class Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Skyline Drama Classes
Fee Spend Plan: Class Productions, Printing, Student Materials
Music Class Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
AP Music Theory / IB Music (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Technology Supplies
Child Development Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
FCS - Child Development
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Printing, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
FCS - ECE 1 and 2 (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Student Materials
Fee Spend Plan: Preschool Aid, Printing, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
Clothing Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Fashion Design
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Printing, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
Sewing 1 and 2
Fee Spend Plan: Instructional Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
Foods Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Skyline Foods Pathway
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Incentives, Instructional Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
Interior Design Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Interior Design 1
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Incentives, Printing, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
Interior Design 2
Fee Spend Plan: Incentives, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
Health Science Class Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Medical Terminology Concurrent Enrollment (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Student Materials
Medical Terminology Non-Concurrent (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Student Materials
Graphics Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Graphics (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Competitions, Hosted Events, Incentives, Instructional Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
Graphics (Full-Year)
Fee Spend Plan: Competitions, Hosted Events, Incentives, Instructional Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
Woodworking Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Fee Spend Plan: Field Trips, Instructional Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Student Materials, Technology Supplies
Technology & Engineering Class Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Engineering Principles 1 & 2
Fee Spend Plan: Student Materials
Driver Education Out of Pocket Fee (Per Student) Fundraising (Group Goal)*
Driver Education
Fee Spend Plan: Equipment Or Facility Enhancements, Hourly Teacher Salaries, Instructional Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Printing, Risk Insurance Premiums, Technology Supplies